Personally i'm rather run of the mill, but i've been expanding my interest and hobby base over the last year and a bit!
Slowly learning more about the glorious difference good things with Coffee (Because, lets face it, Hell to the Yes for that dirty bean water!), also getting very in with Craft Beers and the Whisky scene. Hoping to actually attend a closed event for the release of IronHouse's first Whiskys in a few months!
Outside of booze i've gotten hooked on 3D printing, and diagnosing the machines i have or upgrading them is rather therapeutic!
I've tried to start teaching myself Piano on and off over the last few years as well, really hoping to give that a serious hit this year.
Outside of that though, i'm gaming a bit still and mostly working. Running my business along with 2 staff, business IT, a retail storefront and a third staff member doing a completely different line of work takes as much time as i expected, but it is A LOT of time!