It's the Windows 10 version, so it's built on something that's not Java for starters (C++ from memory). Mod support isn't there yet, but there a plenty of server hosting tools. Anyone who's brought Java before Oct, 2018 has a free copy of the Bedrock edition for Win10, and it's also cross compatible with all other bedrock editions excluding PS4 because Sony is terrible like that. UI is a little more refined, with build in recipe lookup, although I believe Java has that now. The versions that work are FireOS, Android, FireTV, GearVR, iOS, Win10, WinMobile, Xbox One, and Switch.
Downsides is that it's Windows 10, Skins are DLC, no Linux version, and you lose the ability to mod the client, as well as anyone who hasn't brought java before the cut off date don't get this version for free.
The main benefits is the more stable platform, more variety in server hosting platforms, obviously the cross compatibility, with PS4 rumored to be joining that soon, more variety in textures and animations, and the older combat system is still in place. While it may not be a plus to use the Xbox app on Win10, it is easier to join multiplayer games now.
Also I should note that advanced Redstone builds in Java don't work in Bedrock, as Bedrock's redstone systems have been improved so things would work as how you expect them to, but it also removes things like 1-tick pulse sticky piston block shoving or block update detectors (Not that it matters since Observers now exist). Basically, don't expect to build a compact red stone CPU or something like that.
Edit: Also apparently the mobile version of bedrock got ported to Linux at some point here
As long as that didn't impact Stoner too much, I'd be keep at least investigating if it's a viable option, but I get it if we don't want to switch. Change for the sake of change isn't worth it if it limits who we can have in it.