At this stage i don't really know how i want to go about this or if i will ever finish this project like most projects of mine.
But i found this alarm panel at a garage sale a few weeks ago and got it for $5 with sirens cable and a few sensors. From my limited testing it does work but is a very basic device with only a key switch. This thing is a NESS Secuirty 5+ that was made in 1984. Makes it easier to work out what it is doing.
However on the device is a few headers as seen below. It looks like every function of this alarm panel is available on this header. All logic signals are at 12V so i will need some logic level conversion and i will replace the keyswitch with a relay.
So what i am thinking what i will do is maybe put one of the Raspberry PI 1's i have around in there and programming it to use a RFID reader to arm and disarm it and send notifications. Later features i want to add is be able to remotely control it.
I could do something from scratch but i do like reusing old stuff and making it useful again.