As a few of you know now, i'm in the process of moving my offices and retail divisions to a new location (115m2 glory!).
Between the Landlord doing quite a lot to bring the overall building up to a cleaner and more presentable space and myself (Staff included, and various others such as our signage people!). It used to be an old church like hall (Or such, we arn't sure quite what it once was) which has since been retail for various businesses, storage, an electronics repair place, a solar installer's shop, a stationary store and other things.
It is now becoming a mix retail, workshop and office space. While she isn't done yet, it's already come a long way!
As works started
Progress made mostly by the landlord at this stage, with carpeting in progress and some repainting under way
This week, were we've also started moving some gear in!
Haven't got a before image of the loo, but it was... dim, dark and dank.
There is still electrical work, lighting, security, networking and furniture (Shelving, desks, stock and so on) to be done over the coming weeks. With the intention of some larger wall banners to help hide some of the areas that just don't present well.